lördag 21 maj 2011

Keep on shining.

I have finally starting to make some friends here. Their names are Malin and Sophia, both are swedish girls. They are really nice, and I've been spending the whole weekend with them.
Yesterday we were planning on going to the movies, but ended up in a pub in the end. Tasted something called Strawberry Beer, which was delicous! A bit exspencive though, but for those days you're feeling rich.

Today we where at Camden Market, a very odd place. I really did like it, because they had pretty much everything there. But still, odd and there was this constant sweet smell, that came from all the people who were getting high.

After that we traveled in to Hyde Park and spent the afternoon relaxing.
It was such a lovely day, teh sun kept shining all day. I think I only saw a few clouds in the sky.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Awww this sounds awesome! ♥ I'm so happy for you!
    Camden Market is awesome. I really liked it there!
    (very lovely photos!)
